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Sept 8, 2024 History of Emporia Masonic Lodge at Red Rocks

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Pictures from WB Tyler Curtis' presentation on Sunday, 9/8/24 at Red Rocks (WAW home)

2023 Olpe High School Awards Ceremony

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On April 26. 2023, Worshipful Master Brooks and other Brothers attended the Olpe High School Awards Ceremony and presented certificates to those receiving scholarships from Emporia Lodge No. 12

2023 Ladies Table Lodge of Affection

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Feb. 17, 2023 Event

2022 ECF Match Day Presentation

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On November 14, 2022, members of Emporia Lodge No. 12 A.F. & A.M. presented the Emporia Community Foundation with $5,000 as a 2022 ECF Match Day Sponsor.

Anthony Mercer Initiation

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2022 Awards Ceremony and Banquet

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On June 17, 2022, Emporia Lodge No. 12 and Miriam Chapter No. 14, OES held their annual Awards Ceremony and Banquet in the lodge. MW Michael D. Johnson, II was on hand for the festivities.

R:. W:. Alex L. Bolinder DDGM Official Visit

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On Monday, May 16, 2022, Right Worshipful Brother Alex L. Bolinder, District Deputy Grand Master of Area 6, brought greetings from the Grand Master of Masons in Kansas and provided insights regarding Grand Lodge programs designed to help Lodges succeed.

Daniel Carter Beard Award Presentation

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On Saturday, February 5, 2022, Past Master Robert Nelson attended the 2022 Konza Scouting Awards banquet and ceremony to present Brother George W. Wyatt, II with the Daniel Carter Beard Award earned in 2019.

2021 Officer Installation

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Photos from 12/8/21 Emporia Lodge No. 12 Officer Installation banquet and ceremony

FCCE Baby Closet

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$1,000 check presentation to First Congregational Church's "Baby Closet" directors 11/28/21

ECF Match Day 2021

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Emporia Lodge No. 12 presented a check for $6,000 in support of various ECF Match Day organizations during the 11/15/21 Match Day event.

DDGM Fall Visit Nov. 1, 2021

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Brothers of Emporia Lodge No. 12 with R:. W:. Jake Johnson following his Fall Visit.

2020-2021 Awards Banquet and Ceremony

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On Friday, June 11, 2021, Emporia Lodge No. 12 and Miriam Chapter No. 14 held a joint Awards Banquet and Cermony at the Masonic Temple

2021 Cancer Screening Event Flyer

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8.5" by 11" flyer for June 5, 2021 Cancer Screening Event

DeMolay Brotherhood Day Check Presentation

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On May 22, 2021, Brothers from Emporia Lodge No. 12 presented the Kansas DeMolay Grand Councilor a check in support of their 2021 Brotherhood Day, held at Emporia State University's Webb Hall.

2021 DeMolay

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Check presentation to DeMolay Leadership Conference 5/22/21 at Emporia State University

R:. W:. Jake Johnson DDGM Official Visit

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5/3/21 Official Visit of RW Jake Johnson, District Deputy Grand Master of Area 6B of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas

2021 Raffle Car

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The 2021 Raffle Car is a beautiful red Ford '63 Thunderbird. Tickets go on sale 3/19/21! Contact a lodge member or purchase online (enter "Emporia 12" in the notes so we get credit). 75% of ticket proceeds come back to our lodge for community service and benevolence projects.

Wheelchair Ramp Community Service Project

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Brothers from Emporia Lodge No. 12 extending a wheelchair ramp for a neighbor to make their access to their home easier and safer

Trey Reynolds EA

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New Brother Tray Reynolds joins Emporia Lodge No. 12 on Jan. 7, 2021

Storeroom cleanup December 12, 2020

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EML cleans out the 3rd floor storage spaces in preparation for Grand Lodge moving to Emporia

2021 Officer Installation

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Meet your new Emporia Lodge No. 12 Officers!

ECF Match Day 2020

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Emporia Community Foundation's Match Day 2020

Rich Avery Service Emblem Presentation

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Brothers at 11/2/20 Stated Communication following Rich Avery's Service Emblem presentation

2020 All Masonic Lodge Picnic

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On Saturday, August 8, 2020, members and guest of Emporia Masonic Lodge No. 12 and affiliated bodies met at Soden's Grove for a wonder lunch of pulled pork and all the fixings! Scholarship and essay contest winners in attendance were recognized and a wonderful time was had by all!

Fellowcraft Degrees

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On Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2019, Brothers Tracy Edwards and Brett Talkington were passed to the degree of Fellowcraft.

George Wyatt III Emblem Presentation

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On Tuesday, July 30, 2019, Emporia Lodge Secretary R:. W:. Dave Hendricks and Treasurer, R:. W:. Robert Nelson traveled to Manhattan, Kansas and met Bro. George Wyatt III and his lady Carol for lunch. Bro. Dave presented Bro. George with his 50-year service emblem and certificate. Congratulations Brother Wyatt!

Bloxom-Gibbens Service Emblem Presentations

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Harold Gibbens (60 years) and Gene Bloxom (65 years) Service Emblem presentations at the Emporia Masonic Lodge Board of Trustees meeting at ESB Financial on 7/23/19.

Dalton Leek First Degree

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On July 15, 2019 Dalton Leek was initiated into the Fraternity at Emporia Masonic Lodge.

2019 Awards Ceremony and Banquet

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On May 31, 2019, Emporia Lodge No. 12 hosted nearly 100 area residents as we awarded $17,500 in scholarships, presented certificates to several high school students attending the Kansas Masonic All-Star High School Band Camp this summer, and service emblems to Masons with 25 years or more of service to the Craft.

Danny Hendricks 3rd Degree

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12/10/18 3rd Degree for Bro. Danny Hendricks

Lodge Room "refresh" 2018

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Shots of the completed lodge room at Emporia Lodge No. 12. New paint, new carpet, new chairs!

2018 Installation

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December 3 Installation of new officers