You say there is no one interested in Freemasonry in your community!
Kansas A. F. & A. M. 3 months ago


The message below was sent yesterday July 10, by Bob Shively, the Executive Director of our Kansas Masonic Foundation, and is a great message and a testament to what can be accomplished in any Kansas Community, no matter the size.  Walnut Kansas is a community of 190 (2022 census), and as of this morning, Vulcan Lodge has 46 members, which is 24% of their town's population.

I submit to you that if your lodge is struggling with membership, reach out to the Brothers of Vulcan Lodge No.229 and ask them what they are doing to promote and build interest in Kansas Freemasonry in their metropolis!


Bob's message:

Worshipful Master, Brother’s Secretary & Foundation Lodge Chairman,

Today I spoke to Brother Don Wheeler regarding an upcoming event they are hosting on Sunday, July 21, 2024 from 5-8PM at Vulcan Lodge No. 229 in Walnut.

Vulcan Lodge will be presenting 17 Scholarships, in which 8 were awarded through the KMF Lodge Scholarship Program and 9 that were submitted to KMF, however, did not receive a monetary award from that program.  Vulcan Lodge decided to, as they have in the past few years, provide a $500 scholarship to those that were not awarded one from the KMF Lodge Program.  These funds for the Lodge Scholarships came directly from their Gun Raffle sales!

They expect somewhere around 100 people from the community to attend the event, which will include a nice dinner.  Everyone one of the 17 students will be attending to receive their award.

So as Paul Harvey would say “now for the rest of the story”!  Two years ago, Vulcan Lodge dropped to 29 members.  As of today, the Lodge has 46 Master Masons, 1 Entered Apprentice and 3 new petitions.  They credit their success directly to this program and the use of other KMF Programs.  The Lodge can identify at least 5 new Masons directly from the Scholarship Program.

Is this something your Lodge should be doing---Absolutely!! 

Think outside the box in your Lodge and take advantage of KMF Programs!!  Thank you Brothers of Vulcan Lodge for your outstanding charitable work in the community!



Robert A. Shively, CAE, CFRE

Executive Director

Kansas Masonic Foundation

221 SW 33rd Street, Suite 100

Topeka, Kansas  66614

Office:  (785) 357-7646

Cell:       (785) 224-6971


What We Have Done For Ourselves Alone Dies With Us;

What We Have Done For Others And The World Remains And Is Immortal.”

--Albert Pike

"Freemasonry is an order whose leading star is philanthropy,
and whose principles inculcate an unceasing devotion to the
cause of virtue and morality."

--Marquis de Lafayette


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