Grand Lodge of Kansas Public Awareness Campaign
Kansas A. F. & A. M. 3 months ago


The Grand Lodge of Kansas has embarked on a targeted public awareness campaign through social media platforms, and we wanted you to be aware of it.

In conjunction with the retention and restoration project, we announced a short time ago, this initiative is designed to attract good, qualified men to knock on our door.

As indicated previously, the first segment targets specific areas in Kansas but will likely have some bleed-over to others.  Eventually, the campaign will reach 100% of our Kansas communities, so if you don't see the ads now, you soon will.

Since you are already a member, please do not click on the "Explore Membership," "Join Now," or "Explore Membership" buttons, as the Grand Lodge will be billed for each click.  Those links simply take potential members to a form to fill out expressing interest in joining our fraternity.

One of our team members will follow up on those submissions by personally contacting the prospective member within 48 hours.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Grand Lodge office at 785-234-5518.