Dedication and Consecration at the Museum of Art + Light Manhattan KS
Kansas A. F. & A. M. 2 months ago
On Friday, November 8th, 2024, a large crowd gathered for the Dedication and Consecration of the Museum of Art + Light and the traditional ribbon cutting for the museum's official opening by the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce.
Erin Dragotto, president of the Museum Board, Welcomed everyone and introduced Bob DeBryun, Founder of the One-of-a-Kind Museum and also a member of Lafayette Lodge No. 16. Bob explained the museum's vision and purpose and then introduced the Masonic Ceremony of Dedication and Consecration.
This ceremony, conducted by both Grand Lodges in the State of Kansas, laid yet another stone in our collective temple occupied by the F. & A.M. of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas and the A.F. & A.M. of the Grand Lodge of Kansas, M:.W:. Johnnie J. Eaves, and M:.W:. Douglass L. Wilkinson, Grand Masters, respectively.
Stones, a rough and a perfect ashlar represented the building and were tried by the implements of Freemasonry, the Plumb, Square, and Level. They were then Consecrated by pouring Corn, Wine, and Oil over them to mark that the building was proven to be well built and now dedicated and consecrated into our world for the betterment of all mankind.
Immediately following were remarks from the Manhattan Chamber President, Jason Smith, who then introduced Lt. Governor David Toland, who delivered inspiring and thoughtful remarks.
The day's final event was the Chambers ribbon cutting, officially opening the museum.
A big shout out to the Master, W. Brother Matt Rutkowski, and all of the Brothers of Lafayette Lodge No. 16, who went out of their way on a Friday afternoon to make this a remarkable dedication event, as well as the many Grand Lodge Officers who traveled many miles to help support this momentous occasion.

Additional photos added Nov. 21, 2024