Lodge buildings (new and old)
Lodge buildings (new and old)
pictures form lodge
18 Photos
Downtown Masonic Temple, Early home for many years of Orient #51 and Topeka #17
30th/ Micvicar, After the demolition of the downtown temple, this was the long time home for Orient #51, Topeka #17, and scottish right.
lodge hall of 30th and micvicar
Grand Lodge of Kansas, Downtown Topeka. (1856 - 2020) Grand Lodge office for over 150 years, and meeting place for Orient #51 and Topeka #17
Early post card of Topeka downtown Grand Lodge
Terrazzo floor at old downtown Topeka Grand Lodge building
Old service lift at downtown Topeka Grand Lodge building
Motor to service lift
First meeting in our modern building (Topeka Masonic Center) during the covid-19 pandemic.