Events Page
Events Page
To store photos from emblem presentations and other special events
9 Photos
RWB Merrick provides brief history of his 50 years of Masonic travels. (09/18/2024)
Mrs. Merrick pins the 50 yr emblem on RWB Merrick. (09/18/2024)
Kansas Masonic Foundation Executive Director Bro. Bob Shively presents WB Tom Dials with the Platinum level award from C-Club members. (09/18/2024)
Brethren participating on the emblem presentation. (09/18/2024)
RWB Duane Marshall DDGM for District 5C presents the 25 year Certificate to WB Trey Brown. (09/18/2024)
From Left to Right: DDGM RWB Duane Marshall, RWB Herb Merrick, WB Trey Brown and MW Rick Reichert . (09/18/2024
MW Rick Reichert presents RWB Merrick with his 50 Yr Certificate (09/18/2024)
WB Jose Marrero, reads the records in the archives of the lodge for WB Trey Brown's presentation. (09/18/2024)
WM Dean Long congratulates WB Trey Brown on his 25 years of service to the Masonic Fraternity. (09/18/2024)